Connect with Thousands of Healthcare Experts Representing a Diverse Range of Specialties

Access to the world’s premier legal nurse consulting talent — at your fingertips

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are the ideal experts to power up your litigation team whenever you are faced with a medical-related case.

With their insider's experience in the healthcare system, CLNC® consultants uncover crucial case-winning facts far more cost-effectively than expensive MDs and medical experts. features the most current information about each CLNC® consultant. Every member of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC®) was trained by – the pioneer of legal nurse consulting.

Discover greater profitability in your medical-related cases

Save thousands of dollars, recover wasted time

A CLNC® consultant can assess the merits of a case before you even commit, helping you avoid costly workloads.

Promote more favorable settlement terms

Finding just one vital piece of information could strengthen your bargaining power during settlement negotiations.

Build your most powerful, winning cases

Today's multifaceted healthcare issues require the medical-legal expertise of a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants can consult on medical or nursing malpractice, personal injury, product liability, toxic tort or environmental cases, criminal cases, and any other case involving medical or nursing issues, such as workers' compensation, Medicare fraud, probate, or elder care.

Give your law practice a competitive edge

High-powered legal firms have discovered the value of adding CLNC® consultants to their litigation team as behind-the-scenes experts. The winning combination of your legal know-how and the CLNC® consultant's healthcare knowledge enhances even the most authoritative and commanding courtroom presence

A CLNC® consultant also frees up your time to take on more of the groundbreaking cases you feel passionate about.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants provide the following services:

  • Screen medical cases to eliminate the expense of nonmeritorious lawsuits.
  • Review and analyze medical records hospital policies and procedures, and other documents to interpret their relevance to your case record.
  • Identify and locate the best medical expert witnesses.
  • Develop reports and chronologies to highlight the significant medical events and clarify how they fit into the overall case analysis.
  • Research and apply the authoritative medical and nursing literature to your specific case issues.
  • More CLNC®services.

Put the right CLNC® consultant on your litigation team.